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About us

Tower of POwer Ministries: Celebrating the father,=YHWH

yahuwah, yahawah,YAH through yahawashi,yahshuah -jesus Christ

We are a ministry for the twelve tribes of Jacob. Its truths are to help strengthen the children of our Creator, Yahuwah, God the Father, Creator of everybody and everything. Yahuwah is God's true Hebrew name, and Yahawashi is Jesus Christ's true Hebrew name. We bring truth that will strengthen you spiritually and mentally through our Savior Yahawashi. We know all too well the challenges and struggles that life can put in front of us, which can be very overwhelming at times.

But don't worry, you're not alone! If all the tribes of Israel knew the definition of that statement, "You're not alone," we would all handle our challenges so much better, because we would simply give our problems to the Father Yahuwah, who loves you so dearly.

He made atonement for us through Yahawashi our Christ, our Messiah . If the tribes of Israel would truly sit down and read the Bible, the secrets of the Bible of King James would reveal themselves to you, so you could feel content knowing the Father through Christ, will answer your prayers in a world that has so many negatives and horrific things things that are happening all around you, that have been prophesized in the Bible.

If the children of the twelve tribes of Jacob would study to show thyself approved, they would receive the solid foundation and information that would change their lives permanently. So today, if you want the secrets of the Bible, that are meant for the lost sheep of Israel the true Israelites , you've come to the right place.

Did you know that you are a special people, the twelve tribes of Jacob? The twelve tribes come from a family of royalty and no other nations are equal to you. In fact, God said, "The other nations are but sputum, they can't compare themselves to the children of the twelve tribes of Jacob." However, if you don't read the Bible, you will not know this. If you don't read the Bible, you won't know your a "Tower of Power in Yahawashi and protected by Yahuwah," God the Father. 
Right now, you might not feel like it, but read on. By the time you've read some of the secrets on this web page, from the Bible, you will know and realize that with Yahawashi you can do all things through Yahawashi, Christ, who strengthens you....

All things are possible in Christ, they are so possible that here's what Yahawashi said to the Apostles, and instructed them to share these truths throughout the world. But to tell the twelve tribes of Israel specifically, so they would know through the Ultimate power source, Yahuwah,  the Father, and the second Ultimate power source, Yahawashi our Messiah and Savior. You will be given power and strength to live miracle lives, therefore becoming a Tower of Power through Yahawashi our Christ and Savior, who died for our sins.

So if you're ready, let's see what "Yahawashi" in the New Testament promised us, the twelve tribes of Jacob,if we follow the "FATHERS, LAWS, COMMANDMENTS AND STATUTES" and let's also see what "Yahuwah the FATHER" promised us in the Old Testament for the twelve tribes of Jacob by being obedient to His LAWS, COMMANDMENTS AND STATUTES.

soldiers for THE FATHER=YHWH YAHUWAH,yahawah,YAH
through yahawashi, YAHSHUAH -jesus christ
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